Vivencias, Stories and Life
A bilingual podcast with stories inspired by love and sensibility. Conversations with wonderful persons, their passions, struggles, achievements, and the essence of life.
Historias inspiradas en el amor y la sensibilidad. Conversaciones con personas maravillosas, su pasión, desafíos, logros y la esencia en su vida.
Vivencias, Stories and Life
Homeschool -not so much staying at home as we might think -really!
From basic school subjects to latin and piano lessons; theater, arts, sewing and community days. But over all, honoring God, building relationships and preparing her kids for success; Julia decided to leave her job as a teacher in a public school, and stayed home to educate her kids, in a way that is allowing them to develop their unique talents.
Thanks for listening to our life stories! 💕 ¡Gracias por escucharnos!