Vivencias, Stories and Life
A bilingual podcast with stories inspired by love and sensibility. Conversations with wonderful persons, their passions, struggles, achievements, and the essence of life.
Historias inspiradas en el amor y la sensibilidad. Conversaciones con personas maravillosas, su pasión, desafíos, logros y la esencia en su vida.
Vivencias, Stories and Life
Just Greatness!
The meaningful aspects in the life of a young man; his principles and healthy habits, his love for the USA, traveling abroad and for nature. His strong family ties, and over all, gratitude for the opportunities that life has given him.
I celebrate his service to others, as was the caring for children in the foster system; I love the realization he had: that by giving his time to them, he received more than he could have imagined.
Thanks for listening to our life stories! 💕 ¡Gracias por escucharnos!